Risto_H:n kuvassa "1977Nummelalaitteita.jpg" esiintyy kaksi kappaletta Marconi Self Tuning-sarjan H1101 tai H1103 lähettimiä niiden välissä olevine taajuusreferenssi- ja ohjainlaitteineen.
Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. esitteli MST sarjan lähettimet ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1964 ja vuoden 1965 katalogissaan se kertoi niiden spekseistä mm. seuraavaa:
Frequency range: H1011: 4 - 27.5 Mc/s H1103: 2 - 27.5 Mc/s
Services: isb, ssb, cw, fsk, f.s diplex, low level dsb
Output power: 7,5 kW p.e.p. on isb and ssb 6 kW cw on/off, fsk telegraphy
Output impedance: 50 ohm unbalanced v.s.w.r. 2:1
Input from drive: 800 mW - 2.0 W p.e.p. in 75 ohm. In cw operation 1 dB lower
Power supply: 380 - 440V 3-phase 50 or 60 c/s
Power consumption: 14 kW isb, 16 kW mark, 5 kW space
Dimensions: Height: 7 ft (213 cm) Width: 3 ft 9 in. (115 cm) Depth: 2 ft 6 in. (76 cm) Weight: 710 kg
Lisäksi kerrotaan pääteputkina olleen tetrodit, tasasuuntauksen olleen toteutettu kompaktisti puolijohteilla ja lähettimien viritysajaksi mainittiin 20 sekuntia.
Risto_H:n kuvassa "Nummelanantennikytkin1977.jpg" esiintyy Marconin HA 150 sarjan antennikytkimistä rakennettu kytkentämatriisi.
Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. esitteli kytkimen ensimmäistä kertaa vuonna 1960 ja vuoden 1963 katalogissa se kertoi kytkimestä näin (suora lainaus englanniksi):
Coaxial feeder switch series Type HA 150
For applications where it is desired to feed a number of transmitters to selected outputs, the 2-inch coaxial feeder switch series, type HA 150, has been developed. The basic switch unit consists of a cast aluminium box, measuring approximately 6 in. square by 3 in. deep, on the back of which four 2-inch coaxial feeders or feeder links may be terminated. The front of the box provides a bearing for the switch rotor shaft and the operating handle. Auxiliary contacts are operated when the switch is moved, and may be connected into interlock or switch position indicating circuits. Any number of identical switch units may be linked together by the special feeder links to build up a feeder exchange. In this way a matrix may be formed, so that each horizontal row can, forexample, be connected to the output feeder of a separate transmitter and each vertical row to an individual outlet. To prevent the possibility of the same outlet being connected to more than one transmitter, a mechanical interlock system is used. No switch can be moved until two keys have been inserted and turned in barrel locks at the front of the switch. Once the switch has been operated the keys are trapped and cannot be used to free any other switch. The switches are normally supplied in econimical blocks of five mounted into an exchange, but blocks of other numbers can be supplied as required.
Power hanling capacity: 20 kW continuous rating 30 kW p.e.p
Frequency range: Up to 30 Mc/s
Nominal impedance: 50 ohms
Dimensions: Height: 6 in. (15 cm) Width: 6 in. (15 cm) Depth: 4.5 in. (11.5 cm) Weight: 3.4 kg